Abstract Provided is a fuel pump module used for a car, and more particularly, to a fuel pump module with a driver equipped inside a fuel tank capable of solving a problem of space limitation due to the installation of the driver by disposing the dri...
Abstract The present disclosure refers to a fuel tank for a vehicle equipped with a valve housing and a ventilation opening that has a ventilation valve placed on an upper opening of the tank and which projects into the tank interior. Additionally, t...
Abstract An aircraft fuel tank that is capable of suppressing the occurrence of sparks on a pipe caused by a lightning current through the pipe during a lightning strike, and also suppressing static electricity charging of a pipe caused by flow elect...
Abstract A vapor management system (10) includes a fuel tank (12), a canister (14), a pressure control valve (16) between the tank and canister and defining a high pressure side (34) and a low pressure side (32), a vacuum source (18), a purge valve (...
Abstract Process for manufacturing a plastic fuel tank (FT) equipped with an internal accessory, by molding a parison using a mold comprising two cavities and a core, said process comprising the following steps: the parison is introduced into the mol...