Aerator Abstract A hand-operated lawn aerator which can be used to extract plugs of thatch and soil from a lawn. The device includes a long hollow tubular member having a cutting head at one end. The hollow tubular cutting head is driven into the gro...
Aerator Abstract A frozen comestible freezer with a freezing chamber, a receiving chamber, and a tank of liquid comestible fed to the receiving chamber through an aerator proportioner which provides the correct proportion of liquid comestible and air...
Aerator Abstract An aerator of this invention comprised of a housing, a motor driven cylindrical tube having an open distal end extending through the housing, and propeller blades attached to the distal end of the cylindrical tube. The surrounding am...
Aerator Abstract An improved wastewater aeration and mixed liquor pumping arrangement for an orbital-type actuated sludge purification method includes the addition of a radial flow impeller on a shaft extension below the normal surface aerator. Both...
Aerator Abstract A pluri-tubular aerator includes a vertical central tube member, at least one outer tube member disposed concentrically around said central tube member, and at least one of an diffuser and an air tank disposed on an lower end of the...
Aerator Abstract The invention relates to the aerating of domestic and industrial wastewaters by means of an aerator placed on the bottom of the oxidation pond. Particularly the invention relates to the structure of the stator of the aerator. The sta...
Aerator Abstract A method for using a surgical apparatus that permits invisible and permanent drainage and aeration of chronically affected sinus passages in children and adults is disclosed. The apparatus is made of flexible plastic material, prefer...
Aerator Abstract This invention relates to a turbo-jet aerator and in particular to one mainly including a motor, a turbo-jet means and a stirring mechanism by means of which when the motor is turned on, the turbine and the stirring mechanism will be...
Aerator Abstract There is disclosed a manually powered aeration device having a frame and a removable weight tank which is positioned such that the center of gravity of the weight tank and the aerator cylidner are in substantially vertical alignment....
Aerator Abstract An aerator for lawns and the like has spiders formed of four identically formed members. Each member has a tine on each end, so four members provide eight tines for the spider. The members are relatively narrow, and filler members at...
Aerator Abstract It is an improved aerator structure for a water faucet, which mainly comprises an outer case, a vertical cylinder, a mixing member, a partition member, and an upper valve assembly; the upper valve assembly includes a spring, a post i...
Aerator Abstract A hand operated aerator for cutting a plurality of holes in turf and soil to facilitate incoporation of air, water, and plant nutrients into the soil and has an upright member attached to a pan. A plurality of tubes attached to the p...
Aerator Abstract In the embodiments described in the specification, a floating aerator for the introduction of air into a body of water such as an activated sludge plant having at least one air supply line extending along the surface of the water wit...
Aerator Abstract An aerator device for attachment to the front end of a power riding lawn mower has two features which enable a spiked roller assembly to guide itself smoothly through a desired path and to make turns without excessive digging in of t...
Aerator Abstract A blood aerator comprises an aerating vessel having a vessel body provided with ports for a gas- and liquid-tight connection to a blood hose and at least one gas hose. A simplified and reliable handling is permitted in that a port fo...
Aerator Abstract There is disclosed a paddlewheel aerator drive mechanism in an electric motor powered float mounted paddlewheel aerator for fish farms or similar applications, including a rugged lightweight frame with foam flotation elements and a r...
Aerator Abstract Cowling for a rotary surface aerator used for the aeration of tanks intended for the aerobic treatment of water, consisting of a skirt surrounding the aerator, wherein the skirt is made of a flexible substance or material and is ball...